130 King Street West, Suite 1800 | Toronto, ON | M5X 1E3

Tri-Paragon Inc.

Cyber Security Organization Collaboration

Translating a cyber security strategy and vision into action requires the buy-in and support of the wider organisation. This can be achieved by establishing a committee containing key stakeholders from across the business. The main objective of the steering committee is to achieve consensus and align cyber security priorities with the organisation’s objectives. Steering committees are most effective when they contain representatives who can make decisions on resource allocation, prioritisation, and direct cyber security activities.

Holistic Cybersecurity Risk Management

Effective risk management is a core component of governance and must be embedded within the organisation. A framework is needed to effectively identify, analyse, evaluate, and manage cyber security risks. The framework supports consistent decision-making and prioritisation within an organisation, maximising the benefit of investment in cyber security.

Roles and Responsibilities in the Cyber Resilient Organization

Achieving effective cyber security governance requires defining and establishing the organisation’s cyber security roles and responsibilities. After they are created, consider at what level in the organisation they need to be performed.

In smaller organisations, most cyber security functions may fall to a single person. In such cases, it is even more important for senior leaders to ensure cyber security duties are realistic, clearly understood, and well communicated. Everyone in the organisation should understand their role in supporting effective cyber security.

Building a Cybersecurity Culture



An effective cybersecurity culture enables a virtuous circle where employees, understand their roles and responsibilities for protecting their firm, literally becoming human firewalls.

Preventing Data Centre Downtime

Managing Data Centre Operations


In recent years, data centre infrastructure has become significantly more reliable and management practices have improved, so it would be fair to expect that the number of reported downtime incidents is decreasing. But this is not the case.

According to a 2018 survey by Uptime Institute, 31% of respondents experienced a downtime incident or severe degradation in the last year and 48% reported at least one outage at their site or at a service provider in the last three years.

Creating a Cyber Resilient Organization

Every organisation’s journey toward cyber resilience will be different. Navigating the individual complexities of governance requires leaders to chart their organisation’s own course. The terms cyber resilience and cyber security are both used in Charting Your Course. Cyber resilience is suggested as a realistic goal for an organisation; rather than focusing primarily on prevention of cyber incidents, resilience also emphasises the importance of recovery and response.

Managing Data Centre Power and Data Connectivity

Managing Data Centre Operations


Good network documentation practices improve uptime and increase the speed at which you can deploy equipment. Plus, if there is an issue, you can quickly trace cables via your documentation to determine the root cause rather than having to manually trace cables. Without proper documentation, you risk mismanagement of resources, ineffective use of capacity, inability to move or install equipment, unsafe operating environments, and increased capital expenditures for new cabling and hardware.

Managing Data Centre Port Capacity

Managing Data Centre Operations


Sunbird DCIM software provides Data Centre operations managers with the ability to identify, locate, visualize, and manage all physical Data Centre assets, quickly provision new equipment, and confidently plan capacity for future growth. Sunbird DCIM software also helps control energy costs, improve Data Centre design, and increase operational efficiency.

Security Operations Centre as a Service

Tri-Paragon is pleased to announce a Next Generation Security Operations as a Service – AGILEBLUE.

Bad actors do not rest and neither does the Tri-Paragon’s AGILEBLUE SOC-as-a-Service.

Our SOC platform is based on proactive prevention techniques that are built on machine learning, so they are adaptive, constantly improving, and always ready to identify the latest threat.

What is Backup as a Service?

Back up as a Service is an alternative to an on-premises, build-your-own backup solution. BaaS implies offsite backup of your data in the cloud. Tri-Paragon provides you with an effective backup and recovery playbook that you can folow in the event you need to recover an application and its associated data and minimize the impact to your business.

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